Video of Apartment Description $2,850/month 236 6th Ave NApt ASaint Petersburg, FL 33701 Ideal location near Downtown St Pete and Bayshore Drive, in The Old Northeast. Clean and modern 1250sqft apartment occupies the entire top floor of an adorable 1920’s...
The month of July was full of adventure, indoors and out, as I made my way around St. Petersburg to people and businesses and events I’d never experienced before! Let’s start with the books: First, I visited Book & Bottle, a splendid bookstore and wine bar on 6th...
How many of these locally harvested delicacies have you tried? How many have you caught, trapped, or grown yourself? LobsterGingerScallopsKey LimesAvocadoRed SnapperGrouperYellowtail Try it – all of them are native in the Tampa Bay area! If you don’t want...
Want to know the best way to visit the manatees from Tampa Bay? Get a room in Crystal River, go have a nice dinner and get to bed really early. Get up before dawn and head to Bird’s Underwater (where you already booked a manatee tour – tell him Kathleen...
Add this to your list of places to explore… Armature works is a food hall, with a dozen different restaurants offering completely different styles of food. This is the perfect place to meet friends – everyone can get something they love and come together...